15 Must-Have Breastfeeding Items for New Moms

15 Must-Have Breastfeeding Items For New Moms

Starting out on your breastfeeding journey as a first time mom can be daunting. Breastfeeding is hard and sometimes doesnt go according to plan. Everyone’s journey is unique and different. Many times there are complications that may change your course. While breastfeeding, you may find that you need to occasionally use a breast pump and bottle feed. Thankfully, there are many products out there to help you with any road your journey may take you on. With so many breastfeeding items out there, it can all seem overwhelming and costly. Here are 15 must-have breastfeeding items for new moms that can help make your breastfeeding journey easier.

15 Must-Have Breastfeeding Items:

  1. Nursing Pillow: Don’t underestimate a good nursing pillow. When you have to hold a well-fed baby for 45 minutes, your arms are going to get tired. You don’t have to buy a fancy pillow, though the curved pillows make it a lot easier to support baby in any position. You can also look to save some money by purchasing one secondhand. During those long nursing sessions, these pillows are absolutely worth their weight in gold and will provide both the comfort and support you need.
  2. Nursing Pads and Bras: Let’s talk about bras. Trying to quickly “whip it out” for a starving baby while having to fight bra straps is no fun. This is why I recommend getting yourself some nice comfortable nursing bras. With a clasp in the front, you can simply unclip and feed. It is especially nice when you are trying to feed discreetly in public. This item is worth spending the money on to make sure you have easy access and comfortability throughout the day. Nursing Pads are another key product you’ll want to invest in because leaks will happen. The pads can be disposable or reusable. I personally liked the disposables, because I like less laundry, but both work just as effectively.
  3. Nipple Cream: With first time nursing, your body has a lot of adjusting to do which can be painful. Nipple cream can help soothe and heal cracks and sores. There are certain things you will want to look into before choosing a good nipple cream. Review the ingredients and make sure that they are safe and natural. You’ll also want to make sure it has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Privacy Cloth: If breastfeeding in public seems overwhelming, then I recommend a privacy cloth. These are great if you are looking for a more subtle way of feeding your newborn. They come in a variety of styles, the one I was personally not a fan of was the multi-use covers. These covers can also be used to cover your baby carrier. I found that there was no ventilation and it got extremely hot, especially during the summer months. When looking for a privacy cloth, look for fabric that will breathe and give good ventilation so that baby and you don’t overheat. No one likes milk in the heat!
  5. Breast Pump Flange Inserts: This is for my exclusively pumping moms! Everyone’s breasts are different sizes. To make sure you are getting optimal suction and extracting as much milk as possible, you will want to make sure you have the correct size flange for you. The flange is the part of the pump that sits on your nipple and helps to creation the suction needed to produce milk. There are guides online to help you measure your flange size and how determine if you have the right flange size. If your pump didn’t provide you with the correct flange size, you can always purchase individual sizes online.
  6. Breastmilk Storage Bags: If you plan on being way from baby for any reason, pumping will be essential. Breastmilk storage bags will help you keep babies food safe and help you to build a good freezer stash. There are so many different types of bags, there are reusable ones, bags that attach directly to the bottle or pump and disposables. Which ever kind you decide to go with, buy in bulk (a registry staple), you will thank yourself later.
  7. Manual Breast Pumps: Even if you have an electric or hands-free pump, I always recommend getting a small hand-held manual pump as a back-up. The reason I recommend having a manual pump is because they are typically inexpensive, less parts, travel well and are less likely to break on you. If anything ever happens with your electric pump, you’ll have a back up to get you by.
  8. Lactation Supplements: Things like teas, cookies or supplement pills/gummies that advertise to increase milk supply, while they certainly can help, can end up being costly. Most of these are derived from natural food items you can buy from a grocery store and are significantly more budget friendly. You can always save money and make homemade lactation cookies. My personal favorite supply boosters were oatmeal and rooibos tea.
  9. Breastfeeding Clothes: Breastfeeding shirts and dresses can make you feel more comfortable out in public. Having camisoles ready to wear under a shirt can always be helpful.
  10. Breast Pump Wipes: Breast pump wipes don’t save you from having to clean your pump parts. If you are an exclusive pumper, you might find use in having them handy for a quick tidy up, but ultimately cleaning your pump parts in hot soapy water and then using a sterilizer to sanitize them is always best.
  11. Hot and Cold Breast Pads: There are specific breast pads out there for providing pain relief. They can be hot or cold depending on the type of comfort you need.
  12. Hands-Free Breast Pumping: A hands-free breast pump does not need to be connected to the pump by tubes which allows one to move about. Hands-free breast pumps are more expensive but if you are regularly on the go, then this is something worth looking into. If you’re looking for a hands free option with an electric pump, you could look at purchasing a Hands-Free Pumping Bra. These bras help you to keep the pump in place and are a decent alternative.
  13. Bottle Warmers: If you are feeding more regularly with a bottle, a bottle warmer can be a lifesaver if you are bouncing a baby crying for food that isn’t room-temperature yet. If you aren’t in a hurry though, you can also warm bottles in a cup of warm water.
  14. Breastmilk Bag Storage Organizers: If you have a large milk supply, your freezer may get filled with breastmilk storage bags. Storage Containers can help you keep milk bags organized by date and time. Be sure to freeze your milk bags flat.
  15. Nipple Shield: If you find that your baby has trouble latching, a lactation consultant may recommend a nipple shield. Or if you are experiencing pain when breastfeeding due to blisters or infection, a nipple shield may give you the relief you need to heal. A nipple shield is thin silicone nipple that you place on your breast when breastfeeding.

With so many products on the market, it’s hard to know what is worth spending money on. The must-have products mentioned above are personally what I found to be helpful with my two breastfeeding journeys. The optional products, I personally didn’t find benefit from, but they might work for you. Most of those items are more about preference. As with anything to do with parenting, you learn as you go. You will find your own rhythm, my hope with this article is that one of these products will help bring you ease as you embark on this journey.

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