The Benefits of Yoga for Kids 

Kids in a yoga class.
© FatCamera from Getty Images Signature via

Yoga can be a fun, playful, calming experience for youngsters. Cat, cow, cobra… those are just a few very common yoga poses that fill kids’ curiosity. Children love to playfully mimic the animals’ movements. Additionally, kids tend to gravitate toward yoga poses because they can imagine their bodies acting out many of the poses that have names rooted in nature, such as tree and mountain pose. Yoga can ignite a child’s imagination, strengthen their bodies, and so provide so many more benefits. 

Children’s yoga does not need to look or sound like a yoga class for adults. Yoga for kids can be noisy, fun, and explorative. When I used to teach yoga to children, I would read books about yoga and show children the poses from the pictures. We would act out a jungle or nature scene and mindfully play our favorite animals/yoga poses or practice fun breathing exercises, like imagining filling our bellies with a large ballon. There is a lot of fun yoga themed music that is engaging and entertaining. Children will love yoga when they can experiment with poses, laugh, and use their creativity. 

Children can experience many positive health benefits from participating in yoga for kids.  

1. Improve Strength and Flexibility with Stretching  

Yoga for kids can help improve flexibility and reduce the chance of injury. Repetitive yoga practice can improve strength, help with growing muscles and enhance posture.  

2. Yoga Can Improve Mindfulness and Body Awareness  

We all know how busy and hectic our lives can be. Yoga can be one tool that helps children tune into their body and feelings. Through yoga, children learn breathing exercises and ways to self-regulate and re-center their mind and bodies.  

3. Boosts self-esteem and confidence  

With regular practice, children can learn many different yoga poses and can take ownership over their learning. Demonstrating their knowledge in a fun and lighthearted manner can build self-esteem and confidence when kids can master a new move and share it with others. 

4. Better Sleep 

Kids’ days can be very busy and using yoga to wind down can be helpful to promote deep sleep. Prior to bedtime, yoga can be a calming and relaxing routine. Gentle stretches and breathing can be soothing and help create a tranquil way for children to settle in for the evening.  

5. Improves Attention and Focus  

During yoga practice, children learn to focus on one thing at a time, such as holding their pose and breathing. Practicing yoga can help improve attention span as students learn to add poses into their flow and follow the guide of an instructor.  

6. Yoga is Inexpensive  

Another benefit of yoga is that it is a relatively inexpensive activity for students. Yoga can be done virtually anywhere and requires little to no equipment, other than a mat. Additionally, parents can play YouTube videos of children’s yoga classes at home or sign out yoga books from local public libraries.  

7. Athletics  

Over the past several years, I have observed a lot of local school districts have partnered with yoga instructors to bring yoga to their athletes and sports organizations. Yoga can provide young athletes with physical and mental stamina. Often, yoga can build the core and help strengthen underutilized muscles.  

If you are looking for some new activities to try with your kids this summer, give yoga for kids a try! Roll out some mats and try playing some musical mats to start. Yoga can begin at home with some books, online videos, or visit a local yoga studio. A few local studios offer yoga specifically for kids and have summer themed yoga summer camps. Namaste!  

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Malena G.
Hello Rochester region moms! I am Malena Guadagnino, a local mom, who is excited to bring you articles and content that helps other moms. My family is constantly on the go! You can find me with my four-year-old son and husband, trying out new playgrounds, visiting the local library, or staying active and fit as a family. For as long as I can remember, I have been active in the dance community, growing up taking dance classes and eventually joining a dance company. In recent years, my husband and I owned and operated a local fitness studio. My passion largely centers on helping others stay active and healthy. Education also is near and dear to my heart, as I am a reading teacher at a local school district. I look forward to sharing my interests with you, Malena G.