5 Helpful Tips To Prepare For The First Day Of School

A mom zips her son's jacket
© Drazen Zigic from Getty Images via Canva.com

While the rest of the country has started school already, we’re enjoying a few more weeks of summer here in New York. Summer has been a wonderful season of slow, quiet mornings in pajamas for us, but it’s time for even New Yorkers to start to transition into the new school year. Going back to school for your family may mean getting ready for the school bus to arrive, getting in the car line or preparing to teach at home. Whatever the case, here are some helpful tips to set yourself and your children up for success for the first day of school.

1. Get Back To A Bedtime And Set The Alarm

During summer, we tend to go to bed later and get up later. Start getting kids to bed at their regular bedtime now to help them transition back into a routine. Even if it’s not light’s out, just getting settled into bed with a book at a designated time will go a long way. This rule also applies to mamas. It is hard because it feels like we’re cutting back on our me-time that we get once the kids are in bed for the night, but your body and brain will thank you the next morning. Also, get everyone to start waking up at the time you should get up for school. Starting now, will benefit everyone for that first day of school.

2. Practice Your Morning Routine

Help your kids get into the habit of getting ready for the day in the morning so it is easier once school starts. Make sure they know what they need to do each morning when they get up. After we wake up, we make our bed, put on clothes and have breakfast. Then we brush our teeth and get our bag ready.

A plate of toast, eggs and bacon.
© Joshua Resnick via Canva.com

3. Prep Ahead For The First Day Of School

It is never easy for me to take coveted evening time and use it to get ready for the next day but it does make the next morning much more stress-free. The night before the first day of school, you can take time to lay out clothes, bookbags and pack lunches so they are ready in the fridge. If you homeschool, take time to clean your school area and prep your materials so you are ready to jump in!

4. Plan Breakfast

Kids have gotten used to having five snacks before lunch during the summer. Having something substantial for breakfast will set them up to at least not be hungry on their first day of school. A breakfast meat, eggs and cheese all have protein which will give them energy that will last until lunch time.

5. Take A Moment. Or A Few.

Your kids are starting a new school year! Some of your kids may be starting their first year of school. Talk with them about expectations for the new year. How do they feel about going to school? What are they excited about? Is there anything that makes them worried about the new year? You also had a busy summer and can reflect on what you did together. Ask them what was their favorite part of their summer?

You, yourself, may be feeling excited for your kids to be starting a new school year. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed, especially if you are homeschooling. Or you could feel bittersweet about it like me with another kindergartner. However you feel, take a moment to celebrate this next adventure with your kids. If you enjoy taking First Day of School pictures, download our First Day of School Signs Free Printable. You got this, Mama!

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Jackie R.
Jackie is the Founder of Rochester Mom Collective. She grew up in Ohio and moved to California to work in film where she had lots of adventures on movie sets. She met her husband in Hollywood and they moved to the San Francisco Bay Area shortly after getting married. In San Francisco, Jackie found work at a medical clinic where she gathered parenting resources for new moms in need. After being on the West Coast for fifteen years, they moved with their three children to the Rochester area to be near family. Jackie has operated her own photography business, Jackie Rutan Photography, for ten years. Jackie enjoys her quality time with friends and family, fellowshipping at her church and drinking iced coffee.