Motherhood: The Hard, the Good and the Beautiful

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Can I just be honest for a minute here?

I had NO idea how difficult taking on the title of “Mom” would be. None. The deeper I get into raising my kids, the harder some aspects become. Being a mom requires real sacrifice unlike any other occupation that I’ve ever had. It requires great wisdom beyond me. It is also draining, exhausting, thankless, tedious, and full of monotony. Did I mention that the salary isn’t great either??

So why in the world did I pursue motherhood?

A very big reason that I sought after motherhood, was that I had an incredible example of self-sacrifice to follow. My mom gave off herself daily in all ways to raise her children. She stayed home with us, homeschooled us, and pushed us to become the human beings that we are today. And I must include that she and my dad took us tent camping. This is significant because years later I would learn that she didn’t like to be outside, the heat made her ill, and she didn’t like bugs! Just a small snapshot of her self-sacrifice for us.

There is a myriad of other ways that she sacrificed and cared for us, too many to list in this article. To this day, she is one my biggest cheerleaders. And from her example I always desired to have a family of my own. Though she wasn’t perfect, she made motherhood look like something that I wanted to be a part of. Thank you, Mama, for loving me unconditionally back then, and even still to this very day.

My kids are teaching me.

I know that I’m the one planting seeds of character in my kids and all, praying for a harvest in the future. But it’s amazing how much I am learning about myself and about life from my kids. I am incredibly humbled when they love me unconditionally on my worst of days. My kids are resilient and amazing. I have messed up many times. Often committing the same offense over and over again. Yet they continue to freely extend forgiveness and wrap their little arms around me in love. This is incredibly humbling. And I am beyond grateful for their love each day.

And, oh man, are they fun! They have buckets of energy and tell the wildest stories. Each of them love life, love to learn, love to read and be read to. Not to mention that they each have countless characteristics, abilities, and interests unique to them! I often remind my husband of how blessed we are with our little family and how incredible our kids are. It is helpful for me to pause and gain a brighter perspective and remind myself of what is true, especially after a long day of parenting.

Each of my children are an incredible gift.

I LOVE my kids. And I remind them often that the number one reason that I love them is because they are mine! They belong to me! They are the most special gift that I’ve ever received. Every day seeing them is like Christmas morning, each one a special gift from above. I believe that they were handpicked for me and I for them. I tell them that there isn’t anything that they could do to make me not love them. I will always offer them forgiveness when it is needed and continue to love them through their worst days. And cheer them on during their best days! I love who they are now. And I love who they are becoming.

Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body. -Anonymous.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

Even though I had no clue how hard being a mom would be, I would not trade it for the world. The rewards and benefits are too numerous to count. And I’m not talking money here, people. To see the faces of those tiny little versions of me and my husband running around outside of my body, it’s just the most amazing thing! An absolute miracle. And to ponder the difficult seasons and how they are molding and shaping me into a better person, also amazing. I am learning to be more empathetic, more compassionate, more gentle, and more joyful to name a few ways. All because of my kids.

Motherhood is baptism by fire, ya’ll! It has brought out the worst in me. But it also brings out the best I’ve ever been! Smoothing my rough edges, some might say. I hope and pray that my version of motherhood, incredibly imperfect as it is, will instill in my kids and the next generation the desire to build their own families and grow right alongside of their own kids. Just as my own mama did for me.

For you, Mama

I hope you can also soak in the joys of your motherhood, however big or small. And when it’s hard, have a good cry, call that trusted friend, and reflect on how your kids are smoothing your rough edges and helping to mold you into a better person. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and see you along the way. Though accolades is not why we do what we do, it can have an enormous impact on this journey through life. And don’t hesitate to be that vehicle of encouragement to others. Your words of affirmation to that mama with a child melting down in the grocery store checkout aisle could have an enormous positive impact.

I wish you the sweetest of Mother’s Days, mama! Love those littles with all you have and ROC on!