March Building Up Challenge

Buds are forming on a tree.

At Rochester Mom Collective, we started 2024 off with intentionally building up positive habits that will help our well-being and allow us to build up our families and homes too. Each month, we are going to share and challenge you to work on five habits for the month – one for each of these areas of life:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Physical Wellness
  3. Emotional Wellness
  4. Family 
  5. Home

It is our sincerest hope that you will join us and other moms throughout Rochester by reading about these monthly habits and finding ways that work for you to implement them into your life. We will be sharing reminders on our Facebook and Instagram for these habits. We’ll ask how you are doing tackling each challenge and we want to hear from you so that we can share your progress and help motivate others.

Mindfulness – Journal About Your Children

Your kids are growing and changing so much. Right now, in the spring of 2024, there are moments that you are soaking in that won’t come again. Take some time to journal about what you want to remember about this time? Does your toddler have a word or phrase that they mispronounce a lot and you think it’s adorable? Do you have a tween who is trying to figure out what they are good at and enjoy doing? We have these snippets that are precious that we think we’ll always remember, but I’m surprised when I look back at my journal and just go, “I had completely forgotten about that. I’m so glad I wrote it down.”

Physical Wellness – Get Outside

So far this year, we have been working on getting to bed earlier and drinking more water. For March, we want to encourage moms to take advantage of this unseasonably warm weather and get outside as much as possible. You might live somewhere where you can easily go for a walk. Just being outside for a short time, for some air, sunshine, maybe some quiet can be energizing.

Emotional Wellness – Stop The Mom Guilt

As moms, we have an inner dialogue going on that no one else hears and a lot of it is how we should be doing better at this or that. The truth is that no one else is really thinking you’re not doing a good job. I mean, there might be a time when someone is genuinely trying to speak truth into your life to help you and we need that every now and then. But the voice that tells you that you’re not measuring up to your own standards or someone else’s standards needs to be snuffed out. It is stealing joy and energy from you. Every time you hear yourself tearing yourself down, you need to recognize it and then think of something that you know you are really doing well at right now. Redirect your thoughts to be positive and let go of that guilt you are carrying.

Family – Relax As A Family

Do you ever sit as a family and rest? This can be a time to sit and talk together, just to slow down and enjoy each other’s company. Resting could be quiet time for reading but should be a time without tiring screens. As parents, we need to show our children that we can slow down in life and take time to enjoy being together.

Home – Organize Your Home Control Center

Your home already has a control center. It’s where you put important information and papers you will need soon but not right now. You may have a calendar there with events marked on it. It’s where you make grocery lists, to-do lists and put reminders. Mine can be the chaos corner of the kitchen and it occasionally needs some new love in being cleaned or re-organized. It was some time after we moved in that I was able to hang a dry-erase calendar in our kitchen and white board which has helped me stay on top of things. My husband can add items to my shopping list that he notices we need. I can see what we have happening that week and plan dinner ahead for a few days at a time.

March is busy with events and holidays leading up to Spring Break for many of us. Let’s work on the Building up Challenge together! Then, we’ll be back with 5 new habits for April. Remember to comment on our social media posts with how you are doing, we’d love to encourage you and share with others too!

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Jackie R.
Jackie is the Founder of Rochester Mom Collective. She grew up in Ohio and moved to California to work in film where she had lots of adventures on movie sets. She met her husband in Hollywood and they moved to the San Francisco Bay Area shortly after getting married. In San Francisco, Jackie found work at a medical clinic where she gathered parenting resources for new moms in need. After being on the West Coast for fifteen years, they moved with their three children to the Rochester area to be near family. Jackie has operated her own photography business, Jackie Rutan Photography, for ten years. Jackie enjoys her quality time with friends and family, fellowshipping at her church and drinking iced coffee.