Malena G.

Malena G.
Hello Rochester region moms! I am Malena Guadagnino, a local mom, who is excited to bring you articles and content that helps other moms. My family is constantly on the go! You can find me with my four-year-old son and husband, trying out new playgrounds, visiting the local library, or staying active and fit as a family. For as long as I can remember, I have been active in the dance community, growing up taking dance classes and eventually joining a dance company. In recent years, my husband and I owned and operated a local fitness studio. My passion largely centers on helping others stay active and healthy. Education also is near and dear to my heart, as I am a reading teacher at a local school district. I look forward to sharing my interests with you, Malena G.

The Benefits of Yoga for Kids 

Yoga can be a fun, playful, calming experience for youngsters. Cat, cow, cobra… those are just a few very common yoga poses that fill kids’ curiosity. Children love to playfully mimic the animals’ movements....

7 Ways To Keep Your Family Active This Summer

Summer in Rochester is right around the corner. Kids are beyond excited for summer vacation. The warm weather, sunshine, and long days can bring joy, smiles, and laughter.  There is something special and magical...