KINDfulness Coaching

About KINDfulness Coaching

As a Licensed Master Social Worker in New York State, working the majority of my 18-year career in healthcare and mental health, I bring a unique, expert perspective to my coaching. Now, as a foster parent – my gears are definitely turning and finding ways to support foster parents has become my new passion.

If you look up the definition of a people pleaser, you would have found a picture of me, up close and personal! I said yes to everything and never stuck to my boundaries. I struggled with anxiety and confidence in both my personal and professional life. In the healthcare field, this is a recipe for both disaster and burnout. Both of which I experienced.

Getting to know what was important to me and who I was, allowed me to recognize, “if you’re not first, you’re last.” Today, I have boundaries that don’t get pushed aside. I say “no” like it’s my job (no pun intended 🙃) and surround myself with the most positive people who add value to my life. I have found balance while crushing my goals and not compromising my time or energy.

I constantly hear, “There just isn’t enough time in the day.” I’m here to tell you there is and I can help you find it. I will teach and empower you to take back your day. Lead your day, don’t let it lead you.

I can’t wait to support you on your journey to achieving balance in both your personal and professional life!

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