It’s that time of year when homeschoolers are excited to get back out to the playgrounds and museums! Whether you are a new or seasoned homeschooler, we all plan for a productive year as we guide our children to learn and grow. We are excitedly gathering curriculum, signing up for classes, planning field trips, preparing paperwork, and wondering what this year will bring. We go online to get inspiration, or to other moms for advice. We pour through curriculum options and hope we are making the best choices for our families. The world is full of resources and options for our homeschools.
In all of our interactions (online and in real life), we receive messages suggesting the best ways to teach, what our homes should look like, and ideal ways to raise our children. But, sometimes, this constant barrage of information can start to wear on us. The snippets we see on social media can both encourage us and make us wonder if we’re missing something. The conversations we have with friends or family can build us up or make us doubt our decisions. Then, that little nagging feeling that makes us question if we’re doing enough, if we are enough, begins to grow. Sometimes we stand strong knowing we are doing what is best for our families; and sometimes we are tired and we begin to grow weary.
You are not alone. We are running a marathon alongside our children, and it can feel like it requires an endless amount of endurance. Sometimes it might seem like we’re running all by ourselves, trying to keep our children at pace with us. Friends and family might sprint up beside us with encouragement and support. Other homeschool moms might marathon with their children alongside of us for a stretch. Lean on those who are around you and allow others to lean on you when you have the capacity. Find community that will validate you and strengthen those weaker areas when you need extra support. The combating feelings of determination and weariness that we carry throughout the years may seem at odds with each other, but I encourage you to lean in. Lean in knowing that you don’t have to be everything to everyone, and yet, you are still enough.
As we begin another school year, some of us are filled with hope and excitement, while others may feel pangs of unease. I encourage you to take care of yourself. Find your people and allow them to help carry you when you feel like your legs aren’t able to run anymore. Know that each of our races looks different from the family’s next to ours. Look for the milestones (big and small) that show the progress made and that the race is worth running. Give yourself and your children the affirmations you all deserve as you run together. You are doing great. You are who your children need you to be. This school year will be filled with challenges and triumphs, and you will be there for it all. You’re running the race with conviction and determination. You’ve got this!